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Written by Raouaa
Updated over a week ago

Utilize pre-built dashboards, each designed to cover a range of use cases, providing you with comprehensive, actionable insights.

The following dashboards are available for all managers, content managers and admins from the analytics tab in SimpliField, on web and mobile.

Visibility scope is applied on all dashboards, so each user only sees data he is allowed to see.

Note: You can export data from the dashboard from almost every KPI. To do so, click on the download button on the top right corner of the KPI (it will appear hovering the mouse over the KPI).

Store Checklist Coverage

Analyze the coverage of your checklists across your stores within a specified timeframe. Stay on top of compliance and ensure your operations are running smoothly.


To perform your analysis, you must select a single checklist and a specific timeframe.

You can also filter on a specific country or using your store fields. To do so, select first a store field name and then select the store field values you want to use as filters.


  • Number of visited stores

  • Number of not visited stores

  • List of the visited stores (with last report date and last reports score)

  • List of the not visited stores

  • Map of the targeted stores from the checklist with their status (visited / not visited)

Example of a use case

As a manager, I need to check if all stores from my sector have been audited at least once this quarter.

To do so, I can go to the Store Checklist Coverage dashboard, select my checklist "Audit Q1", select the timeframe "This quarter" and check which stores have been audited or not. Thanks to the visibility scope, I will only see stores from my scope. If I need to run the analysis for an even more precise group, I can use one of the store fields and select one or several values (ex: "North" and "West" from the store field "Area").

Reports & Action Plan

Get quantitative and qualitative insights into your reports and track the status of tasks across your stores. Enhance the quality of your reporting, improve store performance, and increase efficiency.


You can filter this dashboard on custom timeframes, selecting one or several checklist (using the checklist names or checklist subject types), one or several users and one or several stores.

You can also filter using your user fields or store fields to target specific groups. As for the previous dashboard, to do so, select first a user (or store) field name and then select the user (or store) field values you want to use as filters.


  • Header:

    • Number of reports

    • Average score

    • Number of tasks (you can display the pie chart per status, priority or country)

  • Quantitative analysis:

    • Number of reports by period (week/month/quarter/date) and dimension (checklist/store/country)

  • Qualitative analysis:

    • Average score by period (week/month/quarter/date) and dimension (checklist/store/country)

    • Average score of each sections of your checklist(s)

  • Action plan analysis:

    • List of all the opened tasks related to the selected checklist(s) with detailed information about the due date, status, priority, etc...

Example of use cases

  1. As an admin, I need to verify how many reports a day are made on each checklist in SimpliField. I will simply select the custom period I want to run the analysis on, go to the quantitative section and select the view "Number of reports per day and checklist". I can even export this data on an excel sheet if needed.

  2. As a manager, I need to check how has been evolving the score given to my stores about excellence in visual merchandising. I will open this dashboard, select a period with the last three month, select the checklist "Visual merchandising compliance", go to the qualitative section and select the view of the "Average score by date and store". This way, I can identify for each targeted stores if they have been improving their visual merchandising compliance during the last months.

  3. As a manager, I want to track the status of the opened tasks in SimpliField from the checklist I am responsible of. I will simply filter the dashboard on this checklist and go to the "Action plan" section to spot which team members still have opened tasks.

Team Performance

Monitor user performance, ensuring reports are being filled as expected. Increase accountability and improve outcomes.


You can focus your analysis on one or several checklists (using the checklist names or checklist subject types), one or several users, or select group of users using your users fields (by selecting first a user field name and then selecting the user field values you want to use as filters).


  • Active users (users who made at least one report)

  • Targeted users (users targeted by your checklist(s))

  • Active stores (stores which received at least one report)

  • Targeted stores (stores targeted by your checklist(s))

  • Average score

  • Number of reports

  • Detailed list of your users performances (table showing for each user and associated checklist the number of reports done, number of visited stores (for store checklist), number of expected visited stores (for store checklist))

Example of a use case

As a team manager, I want to have a quick view of the performance of my team. I can select some checklists and a period to check if all members of the team have done as much reports as expected and covered as many stores as expected.

Stores Performance

Track performance on a store-by-store basis. Identify areas for improvement and elevate overall store performance.


You can focus your analysis on one or several checklists, one or several stores, countries, or selecting a group of stores using your stores fields (by selecting first a store field name and then selecting the store field values you want to use as filters).


  • Number of reports

  • Average score

  • Number of reports per country (you can drill on the cities by clicking on a country in the pie chart)

  • Detailed list of your stores performances (table showing for each store and associated checklist the number of reports done and the average score of the reports (if applies).

Example of a use case

As a manager, I want to check if some of my stores within my scope have more difficulties than the others (by having a lowest average score or by filling less reports than the others on the checklists). I can directly go on this dashboard, select a custom period and check the performance of my store displaying on the detailed table the stores and checklist from the lowest to the greatest average report scores.

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